Building for Every Generation! | 574.773.0603

Electrical Update

Magnolia has had the electrical pole set, and our electrician has been there and will be done tomorrow. We are waiting on our HVAC company to get the gas lines in to have that placed.

Electrical Update

I stopped by today and saw that the electricity had been turned on, and the roof is being turned on as I write this.  The flat work will be working on the garage tomorrow. Waiting on the Heating and Cooling company to be able to get the gas on. The garage should be...

House Set 12/29/2022

The house set went very well today. I didn’t get my full walkthrough, but I will complete that tomorrow. Overall, the house looks fantastic. There are a few cracks, paint is slightly irregular, but the house set was done very well. The property is very muddy; if...

Set Day 12-15-2022

Set day was COLD! The house was set without any hitches and was an excellent set. We even had a special visitor, an Elkhart Police Officer. He watched the house get set with us and was very interested in how long it took us so we would stop blocking the road. He asked...

Update for Magnolia

Per the concrete shortages, we have to postpone the Magnolia build. Kenny and Stuart Meade our going to stake out on 11/18/2022. The new tentative set date is 12/15/2022.